Thursday, May 20, 2010

LOST Lunch Wednesday: What They Died For

Well, I missed LOST lunch on Wed and have been so busy at work and with life I haven't had time to really even process the episode. But, I did think it was a really good one! Things are starting to all come together in the sideways world -- what, oh what, is going to go down at this piano recital?! And we finally find out that Jack is "The Candidate." Of course it would be Jack! He's actually grown on me this season and I'm starting to like his character again. Too bad there's only 1 more episode left!

I thought it was interesting that Jacob left the decision up to the remaining candidates, but it makes sense, given that "choice" has been a major theme throughout the show.

Since I skipped LOST lunch and don't have any major insights of my own, I'll post my mother's prediction for the final scene and the end of the show. As always, she has some interesting ideas. I can see the show ending in exactly this way!

Here is my prediction for the final scene -- Jack and Locke looking out to the sea replaying the Jacob/Man in Black conversation.

Along with that, I think everyone on the island but Jack (and Locke/Smoke Monster) will die, although they will continue to exist in the Sideways timeline. (Now that Jack has taken Jacob's place on the Styx rowboat, the island is finished with the rest of them.)

Since we haven't seen Juliet, she is probably Jack's ex-wife (Nice call Mom!) in the other timeline -- hopefully she will run into Sawyer at the Gala. (Actually, everyone should be running into everyone else at the Gala.)

Maybe there will be some point where everyone flashes permanently into the new Sideways world. (That shouldn't affect the other Jack on island time since he is now some kind of altered being due to the Magic Elixer.)

Actually, I'm wondering if maybe Jack dies in the Sideways world, only to live for eternity on the island. Remember how he woke up with blood on his neck? What was that all about? It's like Back the the Future!

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