Monday, May 17, 2010

I hate heartburn

I keep telling people I'm having an easy pregnancy, but if this awful heartburn doesn't go away soon, I may have to change my story. It's been so bad the past few days, I've had to "sleep" sitting up, which basically means I get about 2 to 4 hours a night in between trips to the bathroom and back pain from the awkward position. And I'm keeping poor Jason up all night too. I guess this is just nature's way of preparing us for more sleepless nights after Baby OGrady is born. Which sounds good to me if it means my heartburn will go away. I think I'd rather get up to change a diaper than to feel the swish of burning acid in my chest and throat :)

I've downloaded a list of foods with little potential to cause heartburn, so hopefully a VERY bland diet will help. Because Tums and Pepcid just aren't cutting it! If anyone has any recipes to recommend...send 'em over!

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