Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Focusing on what matters

We're still working from home, and COVID-19 is still lurking in the background, but social distancing has taken a big backseat in the news to the more recent protests against systemic racism and police violence. It feels like things are starting to change or nudging in the direction of change. Maybe? It feels like people (white people, politicians, people in power) are starting to listen more and not just passively listen and nod in agreement, but actively listen and feel compelled to do more. At least I hope so. I know I am personally feeling compelled to do more.

There is so much work that needs to be done.

I'm trying to take in everything that is happening and to start doing what people are recommending. Jason and I are talking to Molly about everything that is going on and trying to make discussions about race and politics more of a part of our everyday conversation. Not just a "special talk" that happens before bedtime, but part of our family back and forth as we're making breakfast or moving through the day. We're donating to causes that are working to make change and that support the Black Lives Matter movement. I'm reading a novel by a black author (The Fifth Season ... love it so far ... a more educational book will be next up - The Warmth of Other Suns). And I'm trying to see how I can get more involved or more actively support the changes that are going to be happening at school.

Our school district has been working for at least the past year (visibly at least ... probably longer behind the scenes) on implementing anti-racist policies. Last year seemed focused on training and getting people on board, with some changes ... and some grumbling from parents that don't see why things can't just continue on as they always have. I'm not big on social media. I usually just kind of keep tabs on what people are saying, but don't really get involved. I'm pledging now that I'm going to be more vocal. I'll be on board with whatever changes are suggested. And I'll try to get others on board too. But that's just one thing. There's more to be done. There's more I can do.

I know people are hurting and have been for such a long time. I was instant messaging a black coworker the first day back to work after a weekend of protests and just kind of casually asked how she was doing (in between discussing changes to a project) and she replied "Praying for peace and justice." We talked for a little bit more about what was happening, before transitioning back to the "urgent" work task as hand. But what she said really stuck with me. I've floated through life surrounded by peace and justice. It's time to help everyone get the peace and justice they deserve.

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