Thursday, February 5, 2015

No more secrets

The last 2 months have been a little strange because I haven't been able to write about my biggest new job! I've been thinking about making a change for a while now, but couldn't really write about it (online at least) until I figured things out and made a decision. And now it's official, so I can.

So anyway, work was pretty hectic between Thanksgiving and Christmas and I was starting to feel a little stressed out. I've had this idea in the back of my head for quite some time now that I wanted to start freelancing, but I've been scared to make a change. I've been with the same company for all but 2 of the last 12 years. I know what I'm doing there and how the place works. I have wonderful friends there. It's where I met Jason, way back when. 

However. I've been worrying (a lot) lately about how I'm going to make things work when Kindergarten starts. After school programs only run until 6:00 pm, not 6:30 like daycare. Will I be able to make it in time when Jason has to travel? You have no idea how much I've thought about logistics and train schedules over the past few months. 

With Kindergarten approaching, and my job satisfaction dwindling, it felt like the right time to start looking around. I talked with a few people, revised my resume, dusted off my portfolio, and started interviewing. It's been hectic, taking time off, sneaking around, writing thank you emails, and waiting for follow-up calls. But I ended up finding a full-time, in-office freelance gig that I think I'm really going to like. 

It will be different. Waaay more corporate than what I'm used to. And it's in the 'burbs. No more city, no more train. I'll be driving to and fro every day, listening to the radio instead of reading. But I'll shave about 15-20 minutes off my commute (I think...I hope) and I feel like that is going to make all the difference. 

There's other stuff that I'm excited about. I'll get to work with an old boss, who I really like. The managers seem nice and the work seems interesting. It's happening. New year, new job!! 

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