Thursday, October 30, 2014

Making plans

What have we been up to lately? Oh, just plotting and scheming ways to have fun and get away from life for a while.

On Saturday, we're having a party. An adults party. A real party with all of Jason's friends, good food, loud music, and every kind of beverage you can imagine. I can't wait. We're planning to pack the house and stay up way past our bedtime. Or, at least as late as our friends can stay out before having to go home and relieve their babysitters :) Molly is going to have a slumber party with her Aunt Susie, so Jason and I can be irresponsible and sleep in late.

Then, in a couple of weeks, Molly and I will be off to Boston to join Jason on a work trip. It's been a while since we've done something like that. But when I heard he had to travel for a full week, including two weekends, I thought it might be fun to tag along for a couple of days. If anyone has any good ideas for what to do with kids in Boston, please let me know! Molly and I will be on our own for most of the weekend and I'm sure there's only so much shopping and Freedom Trail walking she will be willing to do.

The last big thing we're planning (other than the holidays of course) is a trip to Spain in 2015. We were hoping for Spring, but I don't think the timing is going to work out, so Summer it is. We're aiming for June, when my parents will be around to babysit, and Jason's parents will also be free to fly in and help out for a few days. We'll need the help because we're planning a long, glorious vacation of at least 10 days.

We definitely have some time to plan the trip, but want to try to spend time in Barcelona, Madrid, Grenada, and Seville.

It doesn't seem like that long since Jason and I went to Ireland, but I think we took that trip in 2006. I think it's time to get another stamp in the passport. Better make sure those things aren't expired!

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