Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lead the way

Jason and I had an interesting parent teacher conference yesterday morning. We came prepared with questions, wanting to know more about Molly's interactions with the other kids. She is pretty shy around our friends' kids -- it always takes her a while to warm up -- and lately she has been refusing to participate in ballet. Jason and I try not to worry about it, but you know, we want her to be able to mix it up and have fun.

So imagine our surprise when the teacher tells us that Molly is one of the ringleaders of her class. Apparently she is friends with all the kids, is one of the ones who gets different games started, and sometimes gets in trouble (aka, gets put "on yellow") for talking too much and not listening. Huh?

The teacher laughed at us when we asked if Molly was too shy or sensitive. She said Molly pretty much rules Preschool 1.

So I guess Molly's got her own life. At 3 and a half. I think Jason and I need to start letting her lead the way a little bit more. If she's not comfortable with her ballet class, no big deal. It doesn't mean she's not social, she just likes smaller groups and kids her age. We just have to let her grow up and do her thing. Because apparently she's doing just fine!

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