Friday, February 22, 2013

Tummy trouble

I successfully made it through my first solo flight with Molly. It was actually pretty easy. She loves airports and airplanes and was especially excited about this trip because she knew we were meeting Jason in New York and staying with Uncle Jake and Aunt Corinne.

One of my strategies for keeping Molly quiet on the plane was to let her snack away while watching her Care Bears DVD. I thought it was a win-win since it kept her happy and let me get through almost an entire issue of the Atlantic, something I was never able to do on previous flights with Molly, even with both Jason and I there.

But then about 11:30 last night, we heard wailing coming from the bedroom where Molly was sleeping. She kept telling me her tummy hurt and I was having a hard time comforting her. Jason and I finally got her down and all piled in, weary and ready to catch up on our Zs when it happened.  Molly threw up all those snacks I gave her, all over her PJs, her hair, Jake and Corinne's sheets, you get the idea. Disaster.

Jason and I were initially worried that she had a bug or food poisoning and that we'd have to spend our entire weekend in New York tending to a sick toddler. But she seemed to immediately feel better and then woke up this morning fresh as a daisy. So the only explanation I can come up with is that she ate herself sick. Ack!

The good news is that we didn't have to change any of our plans. Molly is hanging out with Jake and Corinne in Queens and Jason and I are in a hotel in Soho getting ready for a weekend of wedding festivities with my friend Manu. Fun for everyone, so long as we all remember the key is moderation :)

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