Sunday, November 4, 2012

All we need is just a little patience

I really wasn't expecting potty training to be this much work! The score? After 2.5 days, Molly has 13 stickers in the first column and 3 stickers in the second. There have also been 8 accidents and countless false alarms. All in all, though, Molly's got the lead and is doing pretty well.

I have her portable potty seat set up in the family room and we've been rotating TV shows and DVDs all weekend to keep her happy while waiting on the potty. And let me tell you, there's been a lot of waiting! I wouldn't normally let her watch this much TV, but it's all for a good cause. Her new favorite is Thomas the Tank Engine, so as extra incentive, we went out and bought some Thomas skivvies (for boys, but she doesn't know the difference).

Most of the accidents have happened while we've been in the front room, skipping or playing with markers. As Jason put it, she's spent 2 years just going whenever she needs to go, so it's no wonder we've had to clean up a few puddles.

She's only had one accident today though, and it happened when she was standing next to the potty, so I feel like that's progress. Today has been less about me sticking her on the potty every 30 min to an hour and more about her doing what she wants and then telling me when she needs to go. We even braved a little excursion outside so Molly could ride her tricycle up and down the sidewalk. I felt like she was a ticking time bomb, but she told me when she had to go and we managed to make it back in time. Success!

Hopefully she can keep up the momentum for the rest of the weekend...and through the next week at daycare. I'm not totally sure she's ready to go diaper free at school, but don't want to lose out on the progress she's made. I guess we've just got to give her a chance and see what happens. Go Molly!

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