Saturday, November 13, 2010

4 month stats -- long and lean

It's been a while since we've been to the doctor -- 2 months in fact -- and I've been dying to know Molly's latest stats. We found out today that she's 13 lbs 8 ounces (50th percentile), 25 and a half inches long (90th percentile!), and has a head somewhere in the 25th to 50th percentile. I forget the exact measurement, but you get the idea. She's long and lean and has a pea head! Here's a pic of Molly on her way to the appointment. Little does she know she's about to get stuck in the thigh with a needle!
4 months old and looking cute in a new hat from Grandma Lynette
Jason had never seen Molly get a shot before and was a little nervous about it. True to form, Molly turned purple and screamed as soon as the needle went in. She was so angry, she couldn't even breathe at first! Luckily she calmed down after a few minutes and then passed out as soon as we got her in the car. It's been over 2 hours and she's still sleeping. Poor little girl!

I can't believe we've had Molly in our lives for 4 months now. I love her so much, sometimes it's hard for me to remember what life was even like before Molly. My parents are probably going to be shocked when they visit for Thanksgiving. Last time they were here, Molly was still a little peanut who would spend hours snoozing on my mom's chest. Now she's a smiling, drooling, squawking machine!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that first shot is a killer. When I took Eli to his first appointment they had three people come in. One to hold down legs and arms and two for multiple shots at once. I cried too;(
    p.s. She is such a doll face!


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