Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A few of my favorite things

Babies seem to need a lot of stuff, and, as an anxious new parent, you want to make sure you have all the "right" stuff. I mean, what if you register for the wrong activity mat? What could that mean for the baby? I'm just kidding, but thoughts like that did run through my head while I was pregnant. Luckily, I had a few good friends with small children to provide advice, and we received a ton of awesome gifts. I'll post again when Molly is older and we're using more of the toys and gear, but here are a few of my favorite things through 5 weeks: 

  • Fisher Price Bouncy Seat: Everyone said we had to get one of these and I'm so happy we did...Molly loves sitting (and napping) in this thing! The vibrating seat is key and really seems to lull her to sleep when she's fighting it
  • Boppy Newborn Lounger: Not to be confused with the Boppy Feeding and Support Pillow (which is also wonderful), the Newborn Lounger is a comfy little cushion for Molly that I can put on the kitchen counter or coffee table when I need to unload the dishwasher or return a quick email. She's even napped in this on the middle of our bed while her mama takes a quick snooze...
  • Baby Gap Onesies: Molly hates to be changed and cries when we have to pull something over her head or stick her little arms through sleeves. The Gap onesies must have extra stretch or a slightly bigger neck hole because they are so much easier to put on than her other onesies. And, they're super cute too!
  • Electric Bottle Warmer: This was a hand-me-down from my coworker Sandra and I wasn't sure I would really use it. But when Molly gets hungry, she needs to eat ASAP, and the bottle warmer heats up refrigerated milk in just a couple of minutes. Trust me, every minute counts when you have a crying baby on your hands!
  • Disposable Changing Table Covers: We don't use these all the time, but when Molly pees on her washable changing table pad in the middle of the night, I can stick one of these on for a quick fix until I have time to do a load of laundry 
  • Aden and Anais Swaddle Wraps: The perfect size, the perfect weight for summer, and nice and breathable too. We're fans
  • Trumpette Socks: I do love to accessorize and these socks help me turn a plain onesie into an adorable outfit (see photo below for evidence). We have these socks in every color!
  • Rockabye Baby Music: Lullaby renditions of Cure, Radiohead, Beatles, Bob Marley, Johnny Cash, and Ramones songs -- must haves for any music fan
  • Medela Nursing Stool: Such a simple little thing, but it makes a huge difference. Propping my feet up while nursing or reading to Molly really eases the tension in my back
Of course, my top 2 favorite things are Molly and Jason. Here are a few pics of my sweet hubby and adorable daughter:


  1. Newborn lounger is fantastic -- great for babies and dogs. :-) Those socks are too cute and very impressed that she actually keeps them on!

  2. So I take it Oreo likes the lounger? Those Trumpette socks are the best. They really do stay on!


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