Thursday, April 2, 2009

LOST Lunch Thursday: Whatever Happened, Happened

Could it be that I'm actually starting to like Kate again? She kinda redeemed herself in this episode, I thought. There were a few very 'real' moments for her, like when she plopped down on Cassidy's couch, exhausted and overwhelmed after almost losing Aaron in the supermarket...

Anyway, I think we're starting to figure a few more things out here. My LOST group thinks that everyone has their own unique reason for coming back. Kate's is to find Claire. But we still don't know why Hurley or Jack came back yet.

Also, Juliet must know something interesting about the Others. Why else would she trust the medical care of little Ben to a bunch of ragtag forest dwellers? It makes sense, considering she lived in Dharmaville with the Others for years in the 90s before the original Oceanic crash.

I personally thought Richard Alpert's "He will lose his innocence" comment was kind of lame...but there are a few in my group who are convinced it's all Biblical. Maybe because of the whole "Judgment Day" theme of next week's episode. Who knows!

That's about all we talked about for this week. I'll end with a little LOST fun.

If the Dharma Initiative took out magazine ads in the 70s:

Also, an 80s-style theme song:


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