It felt like Spring for about a week ... and now it doesn't. But May is almost here and so I am feeling optimistic for our future. So what have we been up to these last few weeks in April?
Molly's social calendar has been packed. She's been to about a million birthday parties and has recently started a new session of gymnastics in addition to Sunday morning swim lessons. The new gymnastics class is awesome ... they have trampolines and one of those foam pits that the kids can jump into. Needless to say, Molly loves it.
She is also in the final countdown for school. Her last day of Kindergarten is June 2nd and we are starting to get end-of-year type notifications, like Teacher Appreciation Week and Field Day. Where did this year go? I feel like there was so much build-up for Kindergarten and now it's almost over!
I have been trying to adhere to an 80/20 paleo diet and think I've been pretty successful ... weekends are hard though and lately I suspect my ratio has been closer to 70/30. But I've also started running again! Betsy and I signed up to run a 10k in June, so I now have the motivation I need to get back into a routine. My pace has been dreadful -- thanks to my Garmin watch, I can see that I am a full minute slower per mile than I was at this time 2 years ago when training for the half marathon -- but I'm starting to add mileage and the old familiar callouses are reappearing on my feet.
As for Jason, he decided to take Earth Day to the next level and signed us up to adopt a park through November with another family. Our first park clean-up was last Saturday and we filled at least 6 large garbage bags. Some of that stuff looked like it had been there a while, so hopefully future park pick-ups will be a little easier. If not, that's why we're doing it ... to help keep Evanston clean!
Jason has also started printing again, which means I may have time to add a new show ... or I could use the time to run outside, tend to my garden, and write more blog posts. The days are getting longer, the sky's the limit. Bring on Spring!