Moving on to Top Chef, I realize that Casey had to go home for serving inedible chicken feet. I'm not sure what she was thinking buying those nasty things and then entrusting the cooking of them to someone else. But I SO wanted Jamie to get kicked off. She is the worst. The worst! I can't forgive her for the chick pea incident and I am so sick of watching her cook soup or scallops (or nothing) every episode. Even Eric Ripert, who usually seems so nice, pretty much rips her to pieces in his video blog ( He softens it a little by saying that she seems so miserable, he feels bad for her. But then ends with this humdinger of a quote:
" of now it's very, very painful to watch her showing no skills of leadership. So therefore, if you cannot be a leader, you cannot be a chef. She has no good technique or skills, so she cannot be a cook. So what are you doing on Top Chef?"
Heh heh. I'm not quite sure who I want to win now that my beloved Spike is gone (on a side note, my mother tells me that he is opening a restaurant in Chicago soon. Woo hoo!). Dale is probably my favorite, though I do also like Carla. It's much easier for me to say who I DON'T want to win (Marcel or Jamie).
Moving on to other annoying reality characters, I caught a 10-minute preview of the new Jersey Shore season and am pretty bummed out. They're introducing a new roommate, some gross friend of Snooki's, who might just ruin the show. She's that hard to watch!
Other than the Sugar Bowl and Top Chef and 10 minutes of the Jersey Shore, we've spent most of the week with the TV off. The reason being that Jason has been setting up a massive IKEA entertainment center so we can hide our junk behind cabinet doors. With Molly just a few weeks or months away from being mobile, we figured it was probably time to start getting organized. Our place is a bit of a wreck now -- we need to rearrange the rest of the furniture now to balance out the new wall unit -- but I'm feeling good about the progress. Next up is replacing our pointy coffee table with a soft and sturdy storage ottoman!
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