We're still at home(ish). Evanston is in "Phase 4: Revitalization" which means we can do a few more things, but still need to mask up in stores, etc. I'm still working from home, although a few people have started going into the office 2 days a week. They've moved the desks and reconfigured the conference rooms. Everyone has to be screened before going into the building and wear a little device that beeps if you get within 6 feet of another coworker. I've heard it's like working on a Saturday, which doesn't sound tooooo bad. I certainly miss my extra monitors!
But then again, people are still getting COVID. Cases are up, especially among younger people. One of my coworkers just recently recovered from it and said it was pretty awful. Her husband picked it up at his office (they don't have a mask requirement) and had a mild case. She ended up with it 5 days later and said she was so sick she could hardly walk up the stairs. And that is still a "good" outcome, all things considered.
So that's about where we are, one foot still in quarantine and one foot inching out. We've been mingling freely with the family (B's family, my parents, Jason's parents), but still not with Susie, Sean, and new baby John (though we get to hang out with the little cutie on the porch every now and again). We've seen friends at the beach and for outdoor parties. Molly starts a week of sports camp next week, though they will be keeping the groups small, wearing masks, and sanitizing frequently. I'm happy she'll have something to do. An hour swim lesson here or a bike ride with a friend there does not fill the day. The iPad certainly does though! I am starting to worry a little bit about the hold it has on her, but I hate to cut off the only lifeline she has to her friends.
Speaking of which, we found out today that Molly will still be remote learning until Sept 29th. It's a bit of a blow - we were hoping for at least a day or two in person. But I do understand. This virus is still out there. People are worried. Teachers are worried. It is what it is.
Either way, remote learning or in-person, I've decided go back to a 5-day work schedule. It's nice to have an extra day off, but with all this time at home, I'm not exactly suffering from a work-life imbalance. Things are pretty good from that perspective, and I find myself doing at least a little bit of work most Fridays, so I might as well get paid for it!
That's probably enough COVID talk for now. I'll leave things on a happier note with a batch of photos from the lake house. We've gone up every weekend since we bought the place, but are going to take a few weeks off to enjoy summer in Evanston. I'll miss it!
Jason and his Dad working on planters and outdoor lighting for the patio |
Our place at night |
Captain Maggie |
The happy family |